Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pot Smoking May Leave Mark On Teen Brains

Teenagers who frequently smoke marijuana may be setting themselves up for declines in intelligence and mental function that persist well into adulthood, new research suggests.

In a decades-long study of more than 1,000 New Zealanders, researchers found that adolescents who used marijuana at least four days per week lost an average of eight IQ points between the ages of 13 and 38—a pattern not seen among people who began smoking heavily only in adulthood.

Heavy pot smokers tended to show deficits in memory, concentration, and overall brainpower in relation to their peers, but these problems were more pronounced—and seemingly more lasting—among those who picked up the habit as teens, the study found.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Energy Drinks May Improve Heart Health

Contrary to popular belief, drinking energy drinks containing caffeine and taurine may actually improve health and boost heart function in healthy people, a new study reveals.


"With energy drinks containing both caffeine and taurine concerns have been raised of adverse effects on the heart. While caffeine increases blood pressure, studies suggest that taurine may stimulate the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum," Dr. Matteo Cameli, a researcher at the University of Siena in Italy and co- author of the study, said in a statement today.

Italian researchers measured the blood pressure, heart rate and left and right ventricular function of 35 healthy participants with an average age of 25, and found that the function in the left and right ventricles that pump blood to the body increased an hour after drinking an energy drink.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Diet 33 Ways to Eat Environmentally Friendly

The sustainable food movement is sweeping the country. Farmer’s markets, organic produce, genetically modified foods, cage-free eggs — they’ve all become part of the cultural lingo. While a lot of this conversation focuses around whether organic foods are better for people’s health, let’s not forget that these trends are also good for the planet. Read on to learn about the 33 environmentally friendly eating habits that are making a difference for our bodies and our earth.

At the store:

1. Reuse it. Bring a reusable bag on your next shopping trip, and you’ve already helped out the planet. The U.S. alone uses about 100 billion new plastic bags each year, and (brace yourself) this massive production costs 12 million barrels of oil. Worldwide, only about 1% of plastic bags are recycled — which means that the rest end up in landfills, oceans or elsewhere in the environment. Why does it matter? Plastic bags don’t biodegrade, but light exposure can degrade them enough to release toxic polymer particles — most of which end up in the ocean. Approximately 1 million birds and 100,000 turtles and other sea animals die of starvation each year after ingesting plastic bags, which block their digestive tracts. And public agencies spend millions of dollars on litter clean-up each year. (In case you’re wondering, paper bags aren’t much better. Each year, 14 million trees are cut down to make paper shopping bags via a process that requires even more energy than the making of plastic bags.)

Vitamin C Might Protect Lungs On High-Pollution Days

An antioxidant-rich diet could do your lungs a favor when exposed to air pollution, according to a small new study.

Polution on the city
Researchers from Imperial College London found that asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients were more likely to be admitted to the hospital on days when there were high particulate matter levels outside, Environmental Health News reported. Particulate matter is a pollutant that causes oxidative stress in the body (raising the risk of health problems like heart attack).

However, the researchers found that people who had higher levels of vitamin C in their blood were less likely than those with low vitamin C levels to go to the hospital on these high-pollution days, MyHealthNewsDaily reported.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mysterious New AIDS-Like Disease Affects Asians

Researchers have identified a mysterious new disease that has left scores of people in Asia and some in the United States with AIDS-like symptoms even though they are not infected with HIV.


The patients’ immune systems become damaged, leaving them unable to fend off germs as healthy people do. What triggers this isn’t known, but the disease does not seem to be contagious.

This is another kind of acquired immune deficiency that is not inherited and occurs in adults, but doesn’t spread the way AIDS does through a virus, said Dr. Sarah Browne, a scientist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to treat spider bites

Along with the warm days of summer comes the influx of insect bites. Although mosquitoes garnish a lot of attention with their sting, the spider can pack an even meaner bite.

Spiders don't hunt down human flesh for dinner like mosquitoes but the creepy crawly arachnids will bite if provoked or if their nest is disturbed. Read on for spider bite symptoms, types of poisonous spiders and how best to treat a spider bite

Alternatives for Cellulite Reduction

Are there any cellulite reduction alternatives besides liposuction? Of course, liposuction is not considered medically necessary.


The decision is up to you whether or not to undergo liposuction. You may decide that it is not right for you. And you can make that determination right up to the point of actually having the procedure.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Healthy eating for children, Best Nutrition

Although their growth is slower than in infancy, school-aged children still have high nutritional needs but fairly small appetites. So it's crucial all meals and snacks continue to be rich in nutrients and energy. The food choices children make during the crucial years of development can influence their future health risk and can also influence food habits in later life.

A structured eating plan with regular meals and snacks is important to establish good eating habits. Ensure there's also plenty of variety - burgers and chips are fine occasionally, but not for every meal.

A limited number of foods makes it difficult to obtain the full range of nutrients. Make sure your child has a range of foods based on each of the main food groups.

School children still have a high energy requirement for growth and activity, but increasing numbers are becoming overweight. This is because they’re eating too many calories and not being active enough to use up the extra energy they’ve eaten.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dark chocolate 'may lower blood pressure'

There may be good news for people looking for an excuse to munch on a couple of squares of chocolate after a review showed the treat could reduce blood pressure.


An analysis of 20 studies showed that eating dark chocolate daily resulted in a slight reduction in blood pressure.

The Cochrane Group's report said chemicals in cocoa, chocolate's key ingredient, relaxed blood vessels.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sun tan cream: how much is safe?

 Now summer has finally arrived, should we slather on the sunscreen to protect against skin cancer, or expose ourselves to the sun’s rays to boost vitamin D levels?

Safety first: 'There is unfortunately no established level of sun exposure guaranteed to produce enough vitamin D without harming your skin'

Experts have linked over-conscientious use of sun creams with low levels of the “sunshine vitamin”, which is vital for strong bones and has additional health benefits. On the other hand, Cancer Research UK revealed last week that annual diagnoses of malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, in middle-aged people have risen from 500 in the late Seventies to more than 2,000 today.

The NHS advises spending 10-15 minutes in the sun daily without sunscreen for a vitamin D boost, but some specialists recommend taking a vitamin D supplement rather than leaving off the sunscreen. Dr Stefanie Williams, a London dermatologist, explains: “How much vitamin D your skin produces depends on many factors, including its colour —pale skins synthesise vitamin D faster but also burn more easily. There is unfortunately no established level of sun exposure guaranteed to produce enough vitamin D without harming your skin.”

Blood Type Linked With Heart Disease Risk: Study

Not all blood types may be alike when it comes to heart disease risk.

Harvard researchers found certain blood types seem to be associated with a higher risk of coronary heart disease than others. Specifically, people with type AB -- only about 7 percent of the U.S. population -- have a 23 percent increased risk of the condition, compared with type Os.

Meanwhile, people with type B blood had an 11 percent higher risk of coronary heart disease, and people with type A blood had a 5 percent higher risk compared with people with type O blood, according to the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology study.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Can Meditation Make You Smarter?

Most of us know that meditating is a great way to reduce stress. But meditative practice goes beyond taking a chill pill. Meditating is also associated with structural changes in the brain that help sharpen focus and improve memory and multitasking skills. But can this mind-body practice really help you get straight A’s?

Smarty (Yoga) Pants — Why It Matters
It’s not just tree huggers and ultra-yogis who meditate. In 2007, about 9% of American adults tried getting into their Zen zones at least once in the past year. Most people say they meditate to manage stress, but meditative practice affects the brain in many other ways.

Monday, August 13, 2012

5 Health Benefits Honey

Although it contains high levels of sugar, but honey has many positive benefits for health. A recent study revealed the benefits of honey to relieve cough toddler at night.


In addition to relieve cough and make sleep more calmly, here are some benefits of honey.

1. topical antibiotics
Research shows some skin diseases, such as burns, scratches, stitches up to the former operation, a response to the "honey therapy" is applied on the wound. The content of hydrogen perioksida natural honey produced from bees enzyme is thought to work as a natural antibiotic that has the power to heal.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Best Juicy Fruits For Your Kids

You must have often noticed your kids tired and wearied out after they come back from a game. Kids suffer from a lot of dehydration problems. Moreover you have to keep giving them snacks in the middle of meals as they often feel hungry. Many kids also have a distaste for milk. So, look for some other healthy food for kids. Fruit is good for kids. Apart from being tasty, they are also a healthy snack that kids will enjoy. Let us look at some juicy fruit options for kids.

Pineapple- Pineapple is a good fruit for kids. It is a rich source of vitamin B and C. it improves digestion and is also very effective in curing sore throats and cold. So, if your child has cold, do not hesitate to give him/her a glass full of pineapple juice or raw slices. High in water content, this will also compensate for the loss of water in the child's body.

Skin Care Tips For Working Women

Working women seldom find out time to care for themselves. In such busy schedules, it becomes very difficult to look after their skin. This is why, early ageing, tanning and dark spots are common skin problems of working women. If you are a working lady and do not have much time to care for your skin, try these easy beauty tips that can be easily followed even in busy schedules.

Sunscreens: Many working women have to work outdoors and protecting their skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun is very important. If you think that sunscreens are only for sportspersons and people who are always out in the sun, then think again. Sunscreens form a protective layer on the skin that prevents ageing and tanning. Always apply a sunscreen on your face and arms (all exposed skin) 30 minutes before stepping out in the bright sun.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Doctors use eggs to reverse egg allergies in kids

First peanuts, now eggs. Doctors have reversed allergies in some children and teens by giving them tiny daily doses of problem foods, gradually training their immune systems to accept them.


In the best test of this yet, about a dozen kids were able to overcome allergies to eggs, one of the most ubiquitous foods, lurking in everything from pasta and veggie burgers to mayonnaise and even marshmallows. Some of the same doctors used a similar approach on several kids with peanut allergies a few years ago.

Don't try this yourself, though. It takes special products, a year or more and close supervision because severe reactions remain a risk, say doctors involved in the study, published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.

Onions and cantaloupes latest cause of worry

Gill’s Onions, based in Oxnard, Calif., has issued voluntary recalls of diced and slivered onions because of a possible risk of listeriosis, the company has reported on its website.

Gill's Onions in Oxnard, Calif., has recalled diced and slivered onions after one package tested positive for listeria.

The large recall, triggered when the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes were detected at a processing plant, has stores across the country (including Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods Market) pulling “tons of ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook foods” off their shelves, WebMD reported Thursday.

Separately, a North Carolina grower has recalled cantaloupes, also citing worries about listeria contamination.        

Friday, August 3, 2012

Tips Reduce Weight Without Dieting

A strict diet is often the choice of many people to get the ideal body shape. But in some people eat these restrictions would cause side effects such as decreasing the body's metabolism to less energy to work. In addition to diet, you can actually implement a strategy of downsizing is easy but should be part of the lifestyle. One of these six steps:

Research shows that regular breakfast will maintain weight. But the menu chosen should be low fat, complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber and equipped.

Eat foods low in calories
Fill your plate with low-calorie foods such as fruits, vegetables, or complex carbohydrates. These foods make the stomach full longer so you will not "go crazy" when she saw other foods.