Saturday, September 28, 2013

How to restore the skin color of the sting sun ( sunburn )

 would color our skin is likely to change due to exposure to sun can get back to normal ?

^ ^ .. Of course you can not . Our day-to - day routine of course, never escaped from sunlight . taking a child from school , go active and working , hanging clothes , beach holidays to adventure in the wild for example . Therefore, sunburned skin (sunburn ) to be a common problem that we often encounter.

If the ladies are experiencing sunburn , and want to restore the color of your skin does not have to worry about sunburn . You can try to cope with

1 . Use Aloe Vera

Aloe vera or more would be known as Aloe vera is one plant species that can soothe the human skin tissue . In fact some studies have shown that this plant the most effective and powerful cool sunburned skin .

For those who like natural treatments , you can directly cool the aloe vera in the refrigerator . Once cool, cut into sections and apply gelnya your sunburned skin . A more practical way , you can choose the lotion or gel that contains aloe vera cooling of beauty products on the market . Make sure the product is safe for your skin and does not cause allergies .

2 . Compress using cucumbers , potatoes or tomatoes

In addition to aloe vera , there are some natural ingredients that are believed to help cool the burned skin , such as cucumbers , potatoes or tomatoes . Slice cucumbers or tomatoes that have been especially dululu in chill in the fridge and put it on the burned skin . For potatoes , you can use a blender grind the then newly applied . Do it for 20 to 30 minutes later rinse with water .

3 . Spread with honey

You can also apply a natural honey ( without coloring , extra aroma and flavor ) , inflammation of the skin caused by sunburn . One sign that the skin is inflamed skin becomes red like boiled crab accompanied by pain . It was to show up inflamed skin cells . This is where it takes honey because honey suppress inflammation of the skin .

4 . Compressed with milk or yoghurt

Dermatology experts stated that the fat contained in milk can soften human skin has been dry due to sun burn . How to treat them , you can soak the cloth or towel in the liquid milk which has been cooled in the fridge . Then compressed in the troubled areas of the skin . Do it for 20 minutes and if the problem is severe enough you can repeat it every 2 hours .

In addition to milk , you can also apply natural yoghurt ( which is original ) that has been cooled in area burned skin . Wait for 20 minutes then rinse with clean water . In addition to helping recovery burned skin , milk and yogurt handy to brighten skin ..

5 . vitamin

In addition to the ways recovery sunburned skin from the outside , it helps restore skin tone tips from sunburn is equipped with safety measures in through the intake of antioxidants . Once the skin is directly exposed to UV rays , dermatology experts recommend that we eat some suplemenberikut this regularly every day for several days : 1000 mg vitamin C , 15 mg of beta carotene supplements , vitamin E supplements , coupled with the consumption of flaxseed oil ( flaxseed oil ) as much as 2 tablespoons .

Natural antioxidants and vitamins contained in the above materials will accelerate our bodies produce antioxidants . Who will fight free radicals that exist in the ultraviolet . You are advised to consume too many green vegetables , carrots , almonds , and avocados .

6 . White water

Lastly and most easily done is to never forget to drink water . Research logically explained that one of the effects of sunburn is dehydration . While water is a necessary component to moisturize skin cells so that the pri - pores can be closed again . So , once again , do not forget to drink water yes .


Hopefully useful Ladies ^ ^

1 comment:

  1. This is very important point that how we protect our skin form the sunburn because its not only damage our skin it can be cause of cancer also so we must restore our skin from sunburn and for that we should use natural products and we can go for above line as well. Sunburn Relief
