Friday, July 10, 2015

Knowing Causes and How to Prevent Aging

Everyone certainly do not want to experience premature aging. Everyone wants to look younger. Instead of premature aging, a lot of people who do a variety of ways so that his physical condition still looks 20-30 years younger though their age was the age of twilight.

Hence it can be said that premature aging, especially for women, are hated and avoided. So, what you own, whether you are experiencing premature aging or still normal?

Basically, premature aging is often occur in people who have dry skin types. On dry skin types, levels of sebum which is the oil content to protect the skin from pollution and moisturize the skin level is very less.

Premature aging is usually seen when the skin look dry, cracked, scaly, rough, and accompanied by the onset of visible wrinkles and black spots and stains (especially on the face).

Causes of Aging

If you do not want to experience premature aging, you need to know what is the cause. In general, premature aging is caused by two factors namely internal factors such as heredity, psychological, health, and durability.

For these internal factors certainly can not be avoided because it is a natural process in humans. It can also be triggered by hormonal changes and stress levels experienced by a person. As for the factors that are caused by external factors include the following:

  • Sunlight
Sunlight is sufficient external factors have a significant impact for a person suffering from premature aging. The most dangerous time to be avoided is when the ultra violet light is at the culmination point between the hours of 10:00 to 15:00. In addition, you can also use sunscreen on the face and other body parts were open to protect the skin from the sun directly.

  • Free radicals
Free radicals are the effects of environmental pollution, the use of water mixed with chemicals, extreme weather and other factors which could cause disruption of collagen growth. Free radicals are molecules that undermine malignant cells of the body including the collagen network. To prevent this, you can eat a lot of foods that contain vitamins such as fruits and vegetables and a diet that is high in protein.

  • Air humidity
Turns premature aging caused by air humidity also unstable. The way to protect the skin moisture, especially for people living in tropical areas known to have unstable air humidity is by using a moisturizer that can maintain the water content in the skin. As for protecting the skin softness, you can use a moisturizer on your face and body lotion that would suit your skin type. Choose a moisturizer that contains humectants material as a binder water or alpha-hydroxy acids A-HA.
For you, especially the women who want to prevent premature aging, try the tips above. These methods proved to be quite effective against a variety of triggers cause premature aging.

Tips-Tips Maintaining Skin Health and Beauty

The following tips can you do to maintain the health and beauty of your skin:
  • Consume lots of vegetables and fresh fruit as a source of natural antioxidants and nutrients that are beneficial for maintaining skin health and beauty. Do not forget to avoid junk food and processed products.
  • Perform regular maintenance which includes the use of scrubs, nutrition, serum, gel or mask containing ingredients that moisturize the skin, as well as improve blood circulation by massaging or reflection.
  • Many consume water as much as possible at least 2.5 liters per day that is intended to keep the skin moist. Do not forget also to reduce coffee and soft drinks.
  • Multiply drinking green tea contains antioxidants.
  • Regular exercise such as jogging, gymnastics, and swimming at least 3 times a week. Regular exercise is very helpful in blood flow so that the implications for the intake of oxygen and nutrients to the cells better and was instrumental in the formation of skin cells that is new.
  • Consume enough antioxidants. If you want to remove wrinkles on the face, the first thing to do is to protect the skin from free radicals is with antioxidants. Antioxidants are proven to effectively protect the skin from exposure to direct radiation from the sun's UV rays, cause wrinkles on the face. Well, antioxidants can be obtained by the consumption of a lot of vitamin C and vitamin E.
  • Natural treatments are like the steps below:
  1. Using a mask made from a mixture of banana and honey. Banana and honey face mask is very effective to remove wrinkles on the face. Ways of making this mask with sliced ​​and mixed with honey, which can be pulverized so that the bananas were destroyed. How to use is by applying directly to the face for half an hour saj. Well, before and after the use of use warm water to wash your face before use and when done flushing.
  2. Using sunflower seed oil. This type of oil is very effective to remove wrinkles and black spots on the face. How to use it only with a facial massage performed using this oil.
  3. The latter is the massage. Massage can facilitate blood flow, and facilitate the production of collagen in the face, so that will eliminate wrinkles on the face.
Those are some things that should be considered and implemented consistently to prevent premature aging. Skin health and beauty is a valuable asset that is actually guarded to the maximum for those who do not want to have wrinkles at the age that is still fairly productive.

By running these tips on a regular basis and consistently, not just the health of the skin that can be obtained, but also the quality of life will also increase significantly. Congratulations healthy lifestyle Hopefully beauty tips above can be helpful and useful to you everyone.

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