Thursday, July 30, 2015

Role of Father in Child Development

For many men who are married, one of the thrilling moments in life is the time of birth of the child. The crucial moment came, a lot of feelings / emotions that accompany powerful. A sense of palpitations, happy, proud, love, and gratitude are some of them. Imagine a critical time afterwards. With his wife to teach children about many things in life also took care of things that could threaten the next task.

The role of mothers on child development is important. Mother who is often regarded as the most important figure for children in the early years of life. Nevertheless, the role of fathers in child development was also not to be ignored bagitu only. Ternyta father had a unique role in child care. In a survey in the United States (Nesbitt, 2012), the weakness or absence of a father or a father figure who replaced him (grandfather, uncle, etc.) in the everyday lives of children associated with adaptive behavior or delinquent behavior (delinquency) in children.

In the boys, weakness or absence of a father figure would force her role as a man in the house early. This would threaten the right to enjoy childhood optimally and raises its own emotional baggage. Some compelled to run negative behavior that seemed to relate to the behavior of common adults such as smoking, consuming alcohol, and the like. Meanwhile for girls, weakness or absence of a father figure in his life will encourage the emergence of a sense of insecurity because of the perception of the absence of protection in daily life. This affects his view of the opposite sex, yourself, and the world around it. some cases an early age sex and premarital pregnancy is one of the effects.

Instead, Ditta M. Oliker Ph.D. a clinical psychologist from Los Angeles (2011) says that children who undergo intensive relationship with his father since birth will grow into children who are emotionally safe (emotionally secure), confident in exploring the world around, and while growing up they will be able to afford build a good social relations.

The general tendency of fathers interact with children in particular through play activities turned out to be facilitating child manage their emotions and behaviors. Other experts namely Rosenberg, Jeffrey & Wilcox (2006) revealed that fathers who are actively involved in parenting in childhood will encourage children perform better academically in adult life. Research conducted shows bring children parenting actively involve the role of fathers will perform better, especially in verbal abilities, intellectual functioning and academic achievement.

The latter, Waterston & Brenda, (2006) revealed that the involvement of fathers in parenting in addition important for children's development it also will contribute positively to the partner. As known, although it is currently anticipated that many mothers, the process of pregnancy, childbirth, and care for children in early years is also potential for causing psychological burden. The active involvement of fathers in parenting in this period will relieve depression when making parenting mothers of children (maternal depression). Further decreasing maternal depression will have a positive impact for the care of children.

Various studies conducted over four decades has shown that fathers have a role in the success of their children. Reported, the role of a father can affect social life, school performance, and achievement of the ideals of his children.

The importance of fathers' involvement

The presence of a father for a child would cause emotional security, self-confidence and the desire to explore the surrounding environment. Toddlers with father involvement has the ability to solve problems and also better IQ at the age of 3.

At school age, students whose fathers are involved in parenting have better performance and a higher confidence.

Have different roles 

Father and mother have each -masing role in the development of their children. A father tend to be more encouraging in competition, independence and achievement. While mothers are more likely to justice, cooperation and security.

Play, protect, and foster discipline

  • A father tend to be able to be a playmate for the children than the mother. From this interaction the children will learn a lot from their father.
  • Children who have a father figure at his side will be more protected from harm so that it has more intrepid nature.
  • A father has a greater firmness than a mother, because my father was a very big role in producing children who are disciplined. A mother will be using feelings and often accept the reasons expressed by their children.
  • Dad had a better emotional stability and less a disruption such as menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth that affects their emotions so that they can make their children's emotions become more stable.

Source: ( & John Heri Widodo, M. Psi, Psychologist)

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