Wednesday, July 22, 2015

This is the secret of Hair Smooth as Silk

Want to have silky hair? All women can get it, you know ... Come unloading secret! Who would not want to have hair soft and silky smooth. Hair waving in the breeze and gentle when stroked delicate moment ... every woman would want to have such a beautiful crown. Even if your original hair sticking and often rough, so you can take care of silky hair is not just a dream.

  • Get rid of Vise & Tool curlers

Do not overuse hair dryer (hair dryer) .It is greatly in fear can damage your beautiful hair. If you have straight hair, get rid of a heater for hair perming, as well as for owners of curly hair, keep the hair clamp. Heat generated by the two bodies could indeed can make hair look charming in a short time. But the effects of repeated use will make the hair becomes rough, sticking out everywhere and easily broken. Let your hair arranged in their natural state.

  • Use the Formula Gentle Shampoo

Choose suitable shampoo. because the soft hair shampoo can be said is not necessarily suited, women often underestimate ini.tak wonder many soft hair but dandruff shampoo choose the variant that matches the type of hair / skin kepala.apakah including the category of normal hair, dry or easily fall out. Many shampoos are made from 'hard' and can make you lose a lot of hair's natural moisture. The shampoo makes your hair dry and stiff. So that you are always soft hair, choose a shampoo with a mild formula, especially if you wash your hair every day. If you have trouble getting a gentle shampoo formula, you can use baby shampoo.

  • Always Wear Conditioner

Shampoo containing alkaline material can make the hair is not shiny and rough. If your hair tends to dry and rough, use conditioner is needed. Hair conditioner will return to normal conditions and softer after use alkaline shampoo. The best time to apply conditioner to the hair after shampoo usage is 2 minutes.

  • Dry Hair Naturally

Hair after shampooing can be dried in a natural way even if it takes a very long time. To speed up the drying of hair, it is highly recommended if you use the help of a fan or hair dryer with cold temperatures. The use of a hair dryer with hot temperatures will make your hair dry, wrinkled, and brittle. Besides saving energy, you can also reduce the risk of dry hands when exposed to hot air blow dryer.

  • Avoid Exposure to Chemicals Hard

Bleaching, coloring, smoothing and any kind of change in the style / color the hair with harsh chemicals can damage your hair softness. If you want to make changes to the hair using chemicals, make sure your hair strong and do not forget to make sure you are able to do various treatments after your hair dipermak. If you are not sure he could take care of the hair after dipermak, you should delay your wishes.

  • Perform Treatment Hair Mask Every Month

In addition to treatment every day, you can provide additional nutrients to your hair using the mask as much as 1-2 times a month. These treatments you can do at the salon or do it yourself at home using natural ingredients. To get fine hair, you can wear a mask avocado. So that is always fresh and soft hair, wear a mask strawberry and yogurt.

  • Do not choose the wrong comb

Many people underestimate the proper type of comb for the hair, no wonder many people who complain when he found out his hair fall out, well this is a lesson for women to be able to choose a comb. for hair loss should women use renggang.maka toothed comb instead to use a thick and strong hair toothed comb meeting, Danger wet hair is very susceptible to loss, so do not let your hair combed when wet, not too dry up by rubbing with handuk.hal can make split ends.

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