Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tips Towards Becoming Maternity Alert Husband

Happiness pregnant women more so when the final trimester of pregnancy, wait for a beloved baby. During the course of pregnancy often have complaints, did not rule out the occurrence of complaints in the last trimester of pregnancy, before delivery. One complaint experienced by pregnant women often experience fatigue due to the older age of the pregnancy will cause weight gain. Although it is considered normal but it is better addressed, so that the fatigue experienced during pregnancy does not result in a lack of preparation before delivery.

If pregnant women often experience fatigue during pregnancy should seek help to prepare needs before delivery. Husband, one of the closest people who can help prepare all things related to the preparation persalinan.Tidak all understanding husband in his role as a prospective father, even some confusion husband became husband idle before delivery. Meaning of standby husband is performed by the husband vigilance in maintaining the health of a pregnant wife to childbirth takes place.

Being idle husband must be prepared physically and psychologically, one psychic in the face of labor given in support of the husband to the wife. While physically is to protect and maintain all arrangements related to the delivery of his wife. Further readiness is no less important is the readiness of the material, related to the funds that will be needed for labor. Then that is no less important is the ability of the husband to know the signs and symptoms of labor to his wife in order to deliver to the place of delivery. The last is, the readiness of the husband to maintain the wife during childbirth face. As for the husband to be on standby ahead of the delivery process.

The following tips into standby husband before delivery:

1. Prepare place of birth
Husband and wife can discuss the delivery process to determine who will be selected, normal delivery or caesarean delivery. Although all women want a normal delivery but the health condition of the mother and fetus will be instrumental in determining the choice of labor, does not rule out the occurrence of caesarean process. So the husband and wife will determine bersalinan place in accordance with the option to maintain the health and safety of his wife and baby.

2. Know the signs of the wife will give birth
Before delivery should always be accompanied by his wife, the husband who has a job assignment can request help other families. As for the husband of standby should know the signs of the wife will give birth so that it can provide immediate relief. Recognize the sign of pregnancy such as wife complained of pain crotch section, thick mucus discharge accompanied with blood, contraction and accompanied the outbreak of amniotic fluid.

3. Avoiding delay in medical attention
The next husband's role is participation in decision-making to avoid delays medical treatment and delay in taking the place of medical services. Therefore, the husband should know the alternative in achieving the delivery point will be selected, transportation planning and provides a blood donor if necessary.

4. Giving affection and attention
Little things that have a great effect on the mental wife is affection and attention from the husband. As a husband can give love and attention during pregnancy, for example, by taking the time to stroke the stomach while reciting a loving, besides the affection given to motivate labor.


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