Friday, October 9, 2015

Chromosome theory to Determine Sex of the Baby

Theory chromosome that determines the sex of the baby. A man / male have two types of chromosomes in sperm cells is an X chromosome and a Y chromosome (hereinafter known as XY chromosomes), while the woman has XX chromosomes (two X chromosomes).

The X chromosome has the following characteristics:

- Shape bigger
- Movement slower
- Having a lifespan of more than 72 hours (3 days)
- More resistant to the atmosphere of the vagina with an acidic pH

The Y chromosome has the following characteristics:

- Form smaller
- Faster movement
- Having a maximum life of 48 hours (2 days)
- More resistant to the atmosphere of the vagina with an alkaline pH

A baby's sex is determined by chromosomes that build it. Infants will receive one chromosome from the father and one from the mother's chromosome again. When babies get the Y chromosome from the father it will form XY chromosome that determines the sex of a baby boy / man. If he gets an X chromosome from the father it will form XX chromosome that determines the sex of a baby girl / woman. More detail can be seen in the following illustration:

Chromosome Wife / Female / Female (X1X2)
Chromosome Husband / Male / Male (X3Y4)

The set of possible pairs that appear are :

- X1X3 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome X1 X3 father): Baby Female / Female
- X1Y4 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome father X1 Y4): Infants Male / Male
- X1X2 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome father X2 X3): Baby Female / Female
- X1Y2 (X2 maternal chromosomes and chromosome father Y4): Infants Male / Male

Thus the chances of getting a boy / men is 50% and is likely to get a girl / woman also by 50%

By knowing the characteristics of the X chromosome and the characteristics of the Y chromosome, then we can heighten choose the sex of the baby by means of heightening the possibility of the birth of a baby boy (if you want a baby boy) or heightens the possibility of the birth of a baby girl (if you want a baby girl).

There are many theories that teach how to choose the sex of the baby, but on this occasion we will explain the most simple way by utilizing the characteristics of sperm cells with the X chromosome and the Y chromosome sperm cells

► How to Choose Baby Gender Male / Male (XY chromosomes)

To get / choose the sex of a baby boy, you have to consume a lot of fish menu and avoid meat on the menu daily food. Medically fish will produce a substance that causes the vagina more alkaline pH so that the durability of the Y chromosome in the vagina longer.

Regarding fasting intimate / sexual relationships, it is mentioned that the husband had to fast to have sex for at least 5 days before the fertile period of women / wives. This is so that no more sperm with the X chromosome that survive in the vagina / uterus wife. Fasting is also intended to enhance male fertility (sperm quality)

Sexual intercourse / sex should be carried out during the fertile period (12 hours before ovulation occurs or 12 hours after ovulation). This meant that the sperm cells with Y chromosomes that are smaller and faster movements can immediately fertilize the eggs before sperm cells with X chromosomes that is bigger and slower movements can reach the uterus and is equally likely to fertilize an egg.

Where possible, the wife should have an orgasm before ejaculation husband. This is based on the observation that when the wife orgasm will discharge alkaline / alkaline so that will reduce the levels of pH and vagina becomes more alkaline (alkaline preferred by sperm cells with Y chromosomes)

► How to Choose Baby Gender Female / Female (XX chromosomes)

Contrary to the above method we now know how to choose the sex of a baby girl in a way consume more meat than fish to create an atmosphere that is more acidic pH in the vagina so that sperm with the Y chromosome will die because it can not stand the atmosphere of the pH.

Because sperm cells with Y chromosomes have a shorter lifespan than the X chromosome, with sexual / intimate relationship who regularly have actually been increasing the probability that a newborn girl / woman. But to be sure you can choose the sex of a baby girl in a way to fast intercourse / sexual intercourse during the fertile period.

Sexual intercourse / sex should be done 2-3 days before the fertile period with a view at an interval of 2-3 days the sperm with the Y chromosome will die before ovulation occurs. Thus the X chromosome sperm cells still contained in the womb have a higher chance to fertilize an egg during ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary) cells with the X chromosome sperm ready to fertilize the egg.

Contrary to how to choose the sex of a baby boy, to get / choose the sex of women, wives do not need to have an orgasm so that the pH of the vagina remains in acidic pH (atmosphere favored by sperm cells with chromosome X)

This theory is very simple, and according to research, accuracy is very dependent on your ability to read when the fertile time it happened. You can consult with a doctor about this.

This theory is one of the many theories put forward by the experts. You can consult with your doctor about how to choose the sex of the baby. We will connect the other theories to choose the sex of the baby on other occasions. Good luck and good luck.

► Sex Positions Affect Fetal Sex?

Although there are several sources stating that the position of partner during sex determining the sex of the fetus later, gynecology practitioners dr. Sartika Diah Sari, SpOG deny it, because it is not scientifically proven. The position of the mother who remains in a horizontal direction or standing during intercourse to help the Y chromosome sperm from reaching the uterus, a myth that is not based on scientific method. Similarly, the style touch woman on top is touted to give birth to a female fetus.
There are several techniques separation of the two types of sex chromosomes is based on the level of accuracy. Techniques swim up sperm and sperm albumin concentration calculation can be done to achieve success rate of 70-80%. Meanwhile, to achieve a higher degree of accuracy (up 90%), fluorescence technique can be used to separate the X chromosome by chromosome Y. In principle, the father issued semen during ejaculation is separated out and then inseminated-better known by the term 'reproduction assisted '. For a level of accuracy approaching perfection (approaching 100%), the technique of PGD (preimplantation genetics) can be selected by making appropriate 'tube babies' so that the X chromosome and the Y chromosome can be separated easily subsequently transferred to the appropriate desired sex of the fetus.

The important thing is to Pray

Pregnancy is a gift of the Lord, there is no way 100 percent accurate in selecting the gender of the child. At least, husband and wife must continue to try and pray, regardless of the sex of his future. What is important to get a healthy baby and funny. and Keep in mind all of the above is merely a technique to lure the chances of getting a boy.


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