Friday, November 20, 2015

Easy Tips to Recognize Skin Types You & How Treatment

Skin care is one of the most important part in beauty routine. This treatment course always starts from the body, therefore make sure we continue to regularly drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day, doing a balanced diet by eating fruits and vegetables, regular exercise and enough sleep. But the beauty of the outside also should not underestimate. Before doing facials, we should first identify the type of skin that we have because without knowing beforehand, not the skin healthy and beautiful that it could be otherwise obtained such as acne and dull.

Basically the skin of the face is divided into five types, namely:

Combination skin
If the forehead, nose and chin you oily, tend to have problems in these areas, while the rest of your facial skin areas such as the side of the forehead, eye area, and cheeks are very dry, to be sure you have a combination skin types. means we have a combination skin oily skin and dry skin (not normal). if the oil used paper finds a lot of oil in the T-zone, but also found that the remaining skin to peel or dried and toned, the skin including the type of combination

Oily Skin
Actually quite easy to identify oily skin. In general, oily skin will be more visible after a half-day activity and tends to have pores large enough. Oily skin is usually often have skin problems, such as blackheads either black or white blackheads, and pimples. skin looks shiny and easily smudged makeup, wrinkles slower than other skin types

Normal skin
Be thankful if you have a normal skin type. Normal skin types can be identified by skin texture soft and shiny. Skin complexion can be seen from your skin that is not too dry, not too oily. This skin type rarely have skin problems, and happy again is that you rarely have a reaction or any problem when trying a wide range of products. Category:
  • the skin will feel soft and supple all over the face evenly
  • there will not be a lot of oil, or there is little remaining oil from the face at point T-zone (forehead nose and chin)
  • usually after cleaning the face, cheek skin will feel tight
  • wrinkles with age will be easily visible around the eyes, forehead, and upper lip
  • flammable skin sunburn, so it looks reddish or brownish.
Dry skin
  • like normal skin, tissue will not contain a lot of oil, but there will be peeling of the skin, feels tight and dry
  • skin easy to peel and burn if exposed to the sun
  • in the cold, easily irritated skin or itches
  • T-zone area sometimes as scaly skin feels tight and shortly after cleaning.
  • wrinkles more quickly emerged, not only on the face, but also on the skin of the body.
  • Dry skin most rarely have problems such as acne or blackheads and others. However, dry skin tend to have rough skin and more prone to wrinkles that sometimes make up will be hard to stick to. You can do a little test to find out if the skin you belong to a type of dry skin by means of: stick masking tape a small course on the forehead you, rub gently and remove, if there are small flakes attached to the tape, it indicates that you have a skin type dry.
Sensitive skin, category:
  • Sensitive skin will not be much left the rest of the oil, but will tend to be dry and feel tight
  • often reddish, peeling, and often itch when applied to skin care products, are also prone to breakouts.
After knowing the type of skin it will be easier to care for and purchase products most appropriate treatment for your skin type but keep in mind, this is a basic technique to determine skin type. If we are still not sure or want to be in the care of the skin, see a dermatologist or skin health experts to get the best care.

  1. Dry Skin Care:
  1. Use a moisturizing cream as often as possible, either on the day or night.
  2. Use sunscreen during the day, because this type of skin is very susceptible to brown spots.
  3. Be careful with soap cleanser because it will add to dull skin is dry.
  4. Use a lotion form of cleansing milk to remove the remnants of makeup. Rinse with clean water, dry, dab the solution to moisturize skin freshener.
  5. We recommend antiseptic soap to avoid high pH, ​​because it can trigger allergic reactions photograph, ie redness reactions that occur in areas of skin exposed to sunlight.
  2. Oily Skin Care:
  1. Clean your face with soap, especially those containing sulfur, and then rinsed with clean water every going to bed, return activity
  2. Solution fresheners (face tonoc) currents always used after a clean face.
  3. Choice of active ingredients for alcoholic and face tonic that contains the active substance closing pores (usually if in cosmetic astringent or cucumber).
  4. The use of foundation should not be too long.
  5. Facial skin is maintained so as not sweating.
  3. Normal Skin Care:
  1. Cleanse the skin regularly with water is sufficient. (ingedh aQuwh Juja cumandh diligently wash before bhubhuk that makes aQuwh almost NEVER acne ??? khan aQuwh emang very rare facial salon but with regular care kaya'gini simpel2 but precisely what makes good rasanyaa kulitQuwh held unsightly ,, hehehe)
  2. Soap, cleansing milk and tonic face only be used if using full makeup, examples of foundation, compact powder, blush.
  3. Moisturizing cream is used only if the dry air environment, such as air-conditioned room.
  4. Facial only done 3 months.
  5. Cream sunscreen is still needed when outdoors.
  4. Combination Skin Care:
  1. Do not just any massage because it can be inflamed blackheads.
  2. Always wear a milk cleanser, facial soaps and face tonic.
  3. Perform maintenance / facial least once a month.
  4. Apply a thin cream or lotion prevention of blackheads at night.
  5. Sensitive Skin Care:
  1. The main treatment for skin types this one first of all we must be careful in choosing cosmetics ... Due to a mistake the use of cosmetics that do not fit can be very damaging to the skin that is already vulnerable ...
  2. To maintain and care for the skin is well, it helps you be diligent consultation with a dermatologist or beautician to prevent skin from things that are not desirable.
  6. Acne Skin Care:
  1. Perform Cleaning the face regularly to clean the dirt, dust and remnants of makeup
  2. Cleaning with soap can prevent diseases
  3. Do also refresher (fresher / toner) to refresh and normalize the skin and pores merigkas especially for this bermasaah ulit
  4. Do not do like other types of skin peeling
  5. Prohibited conduct massage
Well, that's the tips to know your skin type and the recommendations of products that you can use for your skin care. Hope it is useful.