Wednesday, June 26, 2019

6 Benefits of Face Washing with Salt Water

6 Benefits of Face Washing with Salt Water

Salt is an ionic compound consisting of positive ions and negative ions to form compounds without charge. Kitchen spices with the scientific name NaCl are very useful for cooking dishes. But behind the benefits of adding to the taste of food, salt also has unexpected benefits for the face. Of course this will greatly benefit us because salt is easily available, the price is very cheap and easy to use.
Many benefits can be obtained by washing your face using salt water. Besides being useful for health, salt also has a role in supporting facial beauty. By using it regularly, the problems that exist on the skin, especially facial skin, will soon disappear, so the face will be smooth like a treatment in a beauty salon.

The benefits of washing your face with salt water

1). Get rid of acne

Acne is one of the skin problems on the face that is very disturbing appearance, therefore many people who want to immediately eliminate it when it appears on the face. Salt water can help eliminate even stubborn zits. Salt can remove dirt on the face and erode dead skin cells so that the cause of acne can be removed.

2). Control the oil content of the face
Dry skin does make us uncomfortable, but too oily is not good. Excess oil will make dirt and dust easier to stick to and make the face become dull. By washing your face using salt water every day, the excess oil content will be resolved immediately, without damaging your facial skin.

3). Overcoming Dry Skin on the Face
In addition to controlling oil on the face, salt water can also make facial skin moist so as to avoid dry and scaly conditions. Even salt water can also be used to treat dry skin throughout the body by bathing using salt water. So don't forget to wash your face using salt water every other day before going to bed so that the skin is always in good health.

4). Smooth the skin
Facial skin can be rough due to exposure to sunlight, dust and pollution. It turns out that using salt water and granules of salt to wash your face will make your skin smoother. Salt water removes dirt on the surface of the skin while salt grains will soften facial skin.

5). Remove and prevent blackheads
Blackheads are piles of dirt, oil and fat in the pores of the skin, making clogged pores to form blackheads. Even though it doesn't hurt, blackheads can damage the appearance and reduce a person's level of confidence. By washing your face using salt water regularly, blackheads will soon disappear.

6). Brightening the Face
The face can become dull because it is rarely cleaned, especially if you often do outdoor activities. The face will become dirty due to exposure to dust and pollution. Indeed, this can be overcome by washing your face using special soap to clean your face, but there's no harm in trying salt water to remove dirt on your face. Of course this will save expenses because you do not need special products for facial treatment.

It turns out that there are quite a lot of benefits of washing your face with salt water, in addition to the easy maintenance, salt is also easily found at very affordable prices. Using it regularly will give maximum results, and of course there are no instant results. Even though it's easy, it takes patience to use salt water as a daily facial treatment.



  1. Thanks for the great effort and the article

